This Metatron varitation, IcosaSphyr reveals the 3d reality of the 2d symbol. made of the sacred 2012. 20 circles of vibration and 12 pentagon vortexes that create physical reality. The Golden Ratio is found throughout the entire geometry of The AllSphyr. Contains all Platonic solids, every ancient symbol of every religion, and is the secret to activating the real Merkaba, The AllSphyr. The light ship of our energy field. By understanding The AllSphyr and the relation to Nature and ourselves, we can become super aware of the energetics creating everything. infinite energy technology.
The IcosaSphyr is laid out in the design of an icosahedron with the Allsphyr as the main construct showing the relation of them together. 12” tip to tip, soldered copper wire with Quartz crystal sphere at the center, The Icosasphyr is on a high speed bearing for spinning energy and the structure. An excellent meditation piece to expand your consciousness.